January 5, 2022


First of all, let me wish all of you a Happy New Year. The past two years have been very challenging as we adjusted to new ways of working and living. I sincerely wish you have sailed through the new year healthy and well-motivated to achieve your 2022 business goals. As you begin setting up your websites to leverage the internet, there are specific vital questions to ask your web developer. I will discuss five of the most critical. How long will the web development process take? This is one of the most critical questions to ask your web developer as it serves both the client and service provider. The web developer should analyze the scale of the job; the amount of text, images and features on the website determines the scale of the job. More pictures and text will […]
December 10, 2021


As mentioned previously, affiliate marketing is when an organization will pay commission to an affiliate to promote their products through a website, blog, email, or social media. It has become a common trend for organizations to engage in affiliate marketing to leverage the internet. In the US, affiliate marketing spending is expected to reach $8.2 billion by 2022, compared to $5.4 billion in 2017. Therefore, it isn’t wrong to conclude that it is a thriving industry with a lot of room and opportunity for growth. Marketers who have understood the proper techniques and principles have raked in enough income to sustain and grow their businesses. There are several assumptions of affiliate marketing. That will be a discussion for a later date. Today, I will focus on common affiliate marketing mistakes people make as they begin their journey. Not having sufficient […]
December 9, 2021


Affiliate marketing is when an organization will pay commission to an affiliate to promote their products through a website, blog, email, or social media. Affiliates mostly use the same internet marketing methods that regular companies use, such as Search Engine Optimization, Email marketing, social media marketing etc.  Affiliate marketing is a very low-risk, low-reward business. Most of the time, all a salesperson needs is a blog or a YouTube channel. To understand affiliate marketing better, let me use an example. As a salesperson, you are interested in selling body creams. Therefore, you begin a skincare blog to attract potential clients. After that, you give them a link to an online retail store like Amazon to buy their skincare products. The Amazon website’s cookies trace the link back to the blog, and the salesperson earns their commission.  It has increasingly become […]
December 3, 2021


Web traffic is the amount of data visitors send and receive to a website. Tracking web traffic is the act of monitoring and evaluating the visitor’s data on your website. It is critical in determining whether clients are interested in your products or services. With the growth of the internet, websites have become an essential facet for most companies. A company without a website has limited growth as there are only so many clients a company can attract physically. The internet offers exponential growth to forward-thinking companies that take advantage of it. Many clients often wonder about the most critical data to monitor on your websites. Below is a summary of the vital information when tracking web traffic. Pages Per Visit Many websites comprise several pages that contain different company information. First, the Home page summarises all the company’s products […]