July 16, 2021

Designing an Attractive Website

Everybody hates ugly websites. No one wants to spend their time browsing an unattractive website. Having an attractive website for your business is very important in the digital age. So, what are the steps in designing an attractive website? User-Friendliness is the first consideration in designing an attractive website. First and foremost, one should strive to design a user-friendly website. That means that users should navigate through it quickly and find the content they need. In addition, it should feel intuitive to use. A user needs to see what they want without spending much time navigating the site. To achieve this, display important content prominently. For example, place your navigation bar in an area where it can be easily seen, such as the top of the web page. Use fonts that are easy to read. If your website contains images, […]
July 15, 2021

Time management skills employees should know

An essential aspect of remaining productive is having good time management skills. Employees with good time management skills tend to be the most productive. Therefore, businesses should train employees to manage their time effectively. Increased productivity leads to increased revenue. Prioritization Employees should know how to prioritize tasks. Employees should tackle the most critical tasks first. After the important ones are complete, they should then tackle those tasks of secondary importance. Employees can keep track of important tasks by writing down a to-do list. They can write this down on a piece of paper, or they could use an app such as Evernote. Prioritization ensures that employees spend their time wisely on the most vital work. Scheduling A schedule is a fantastic time management tool. It allows employees to keep track of all the crucial goals they need to accomplish […]
July 13, 2021

Keep Customers Loyal to Your Brand

  How do you keep customers loyal to your brand? Retaining customers is an essential skill that all business owners must have to stay ahead of the competition. If you cannot maintain your customers, you will lose revenue as they switch to competitors. Read the following article that shows you five ways to keep customers loyal. Make customer service a priority. It would be best to keep your customers satisfied with your services. Making customer service a priority is the easiest way to keep customers loyal. Therefore, build a competent customer service team that can quickly respond to customer complaints politely. The cliché ‘The customer is King’ should be the motto of your customer service department and strictly adhered to. This is not to say that the customer is always right. Still, it would be best to treat them with […]
July 9, 2021

Networking Event: Steps to Success

A successful networking event allows entrepreneurs to interact and discuss business opportunities. According to studies, 80% of professionals believe that career success can be elevated through professional networking. If you are interested in hosting an event to help you achieve your business goals, please read on for a step by step guide on organizing one. Define the goals, audience, niche and expected outcomes of the networking event. Take some time to sit down and think about why you want to host this event. What do you hope to gain from it? Will it be a large or small event? Answering these questions will help determine what kind of venue you should select. What type of entrepreneur do you want to attend this event? Powerful business people? Up and coming SME owners? Make sure you have a clear vision of what […]
July 6, 2021

Brand Awareness: How to Increase It

What is brand awareness? Coca-Cola, Naivas, Safaricom. These are brands Kenyans can easily recognize. People are familiar with these brands due to their visibility. Why is this? The companies have invested a lot in marketing their brands, increasing their brand awareness. What strategies can you use to get your brand to be as well-known as these? Social Media for Brand Awareness Cultivate a large social media following. Without an online presence, you are severely limiting your brand’s reach. Any brand that takes itself earnestly should strive to cultivate a large social media following. Each of the brands I mentioned in the introduction of this post has a presence on major social media sites. Use hashtags creatively to increase your brand awareness. Interact with social media users to increase engagement with your social media accounts. Let customers know that you are […]
July 5, 2021

Mission and Vision Statement

What exactly are a company’s mission and vision statements? A vision statement expresses where a company wants to be in future once it achieves its goals. For example, the Alzheimer’s Association’s vision statement is, ‘A world without Alzheimer’s disease.’ This clearly shows us what kind of impact they want to have on the world. A company’s mission statement defines its business, objectives, and approach to reach those objectives. For example, Patagonia’s mission statement is ‘Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.’ One can think of a mission statement as an action-oriented vision statement. Importance of the mission and vision statement Goal setting These statements help clearly define a business’s goals and objectives. A good mission statement assists in defining a business’s performance standards. These standards are easily tracked […]
June 29, 2021

Off-site data backup and its importance

Today, organizations store lots of data is in electronic form. This data includes sensitive user data such as medical records, employee records, etc. Therefore, data loss due to accidental deletion or corruption of files can be detrimental to organizations. One of the ways to prevent this damage is by investing in off-site data backup. What is off-site data backup? Backing up data involves creating copies and storing them separately from the original document. The more copies one has, the more secure the data is due to redundancy. Backing up data could be as simple as creating a copy and storing it in a separate partition of your hard drive or an external storage device such as a flash drive. This solution works well for individuals backing up small amounts of data. However, this solution is inadequate for businesses that handle […]
June 28, 2021

School Website: Is it necessary?

In today’s technologically advanced world, having a school website is essential in ensuring that your institution is visible to those interested in it. In addition, physically gathering information about a school has become more complicated due to the restrictions on movement brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic affected the admission process and the holistic learning process. Over 100 million additional children will fall below the minimum proficiency level in reading as a result of the health crisis. Therefore, schools need to ensure they have a website that represents them well to combat this problem. The school website and brand visibility A good school website is vital to giving learners an excellent first impression of looking to join your school. More often than not, a school website is the first contact people have with a school. A website shows […]
June 24, 2021


How to Successfully Shift your Business Online. This pandemic has forced many businesses to shut down or downsize their physical operations due to movement restrictions and curfews. These unique circumstances have prompted many business owners to consider shifting the majority of their business online. If you’re a business owner considering going down this path, continue reading this article.  Website for conducting business online When shifting their business online, one should first create a website. Register a domain name, pay for hosting and get a web designer/developer to set up your website. This ensures your business is easily accessible to customers 24/7. In addition, websites are a great way to display your brand, products and give your business a ton of credibility. Most people wouldn’t trust a company that lacks a website and choose competitors with websites. Finally, having a website […]
June 23, 2021

Local Online Business in Kenya

How to grow your business as a local online company in Kenya Set up your local online business profile on Google Setting up your business profile on Google is very important as a local online company. About 90% of Internet searches are carried out on the Google platform. This includes people searching for businesses with solutions to their problems. For example, let’s say someone requires a plumber and searches for ‘plumbers in my area’. Plumbers in their area that have set up their business profile on Google will appear first in the search results based on their proximity to the person and their business rating. These plumbers have a considerable advantage over those who haven’t claimed their business since they do not appear at the top of Google’s search results. Only 25% of Google users scroll down to the second […]