March 30, 2022


How was big data in sports evolved over the years? Nowadays, big data has played an increasingly important role in almost every aspect of our lives. For example, companies have used big data to make better decisions, improve operations, and achieve a competitive edge in the business world. In the healthcare industry, healthcare providers have used to diagnose diseases and find new treatments. And even in our personal lives, big data has been used to track our daily activities, help us lose weight, and improve our overall well-being. So it’s no surprise that big data is also making its mark in the sports world. This article will highlight the historical development of big data in sports, statistics on the growth of big data in sports, the current role of big data in sports, and some trends and prospects for big […]
March 30, 2022

Big Data in Accounting

The big data phenomenon is reshaping how businesses operate and manage their data. The application of big data analytics has allowed organizations to gain new insights and make better decisions, which has helped them achieve better results. The accounting industry is no exception and is starting to reap the benefits of big data. This article will explore the trends and future of big data in accounting. History and development of big data and accounting Big data is not a new concept and has been around for some time now. However, its application in accounting is still relatively new. The first use of big data in accounting was in the 1990s, when banks started using it to prevent money laundering (Gantz, 2013). Since then, big data has grown in popularity, and now organizations in different industries are reaping the benefits. The […]
March 29, 2022

Big Data in Human Resource Management

To understand the role of big data in human resource management, it’s essential first to define the term big data. Big data is a broad term used to describe the large and varied volumes of data that are now routinely collected and analyzed. It has been a game-changer across industries. I have previously written articles on the role of big data in other sectors such as insurance and agriculture. Ensure you go through all previous articles to understand the role big data has played in different sectors of the economy. Human Resource Management is growing rapidly in this twenty-first century. The nature of the workplace has also evolved. Governments have enacted new laws have to protect workers against exploitation. In addition, professionals have realized the importance of rest and humane working conditions. Big data has been critical in enabling organizations […]
March 29, 2022

Role of Big Data in Agriculture

Big data has been evolving rapidly in the past decade. It is now commonly used in various industries, including agriculture. The role of big data in agriculture is essential and plays a big part in improving farming techniques and yield. In this article, I will explore the following: what big data is, how it has evolved, the statistics on big data growth in agriculture, the role of big data in agriculture, and future trends of big data in agriculture. What is Big Data? One can define big data as extremely large and complex datasets that are difficult to process using traditional software tools. The volume, velocity, and variety of big data are increasing unprecedentedly, making it difficult for companies to keep up. We can trace back the history and development of big data in agriculture can be traced back to […]
March 29, 2022


The role of big data in supply chain management has been rapidly evolving and growing in recent years. As big data evolves, so does its importance in supply chains. Many businesses now utilize big data analytics to improve operations and make better business decisions. The benefits of big data are vast, and one can apply them in several ways to optimize a supply chain. However, big data is not a silver bullet, and a company must carefully consider its role in supply chain management. This article will explore the current role of big data in supply chains and look at some of the trends and challenges. The History and Development of Big Data in Supply Chain Management One can trace the origins of big data back to the early days of computing when organizations collected large datasets for use in […]
March 24, 2022

Holistic Social Media Marketing

Holistic social media marketing focuses on developing specialized marketing campaigns across multiple platforms that synergistically form a cohesive social media presence online. This multi-faceted approach aims to address all aspects of social media marketing strategy. This unique marketing practice requires a dedicated team of hardworking experts to pull off successfully. In addition, it is labor-intensive, and knowledge of tracking and interpreting data analytics is a prerequisite. We live in an attention economy. The longer you’re able to keep your eyes on your content, the more valuable your online platform becomes. People with a large online following can monetize their social media pages. One can do the same with brands. The holistic social media marketing approach involves expanding your social media presence. One must have accounts on multiple platforms to increase their reach on social media. An individual or company must […]
March 24, 2022

Minimalistic Web Design

Minimalistic  web design (minimalism) is a design philosophy that seeks to strip down products to their bare essentials and present them aesthetically pleasingly. Recently, this design philosophy has become increasingly popular among web designers. For those who would like to implement this design philosophy during the creation of their website, read on. Minimalistic web design and modern trends First, why would one want to choose a minimalistic design for their website? The main reason is people’s attention span has decreased drastically over the past few years. As a result, short-form content has replaced long-form content. In addition, the demand for such content keeps increasing. Apps such as TikTok have become very popular because of the short-form content they host on their platform. People are more likely to watch something if they don’t think it will consume a considerable chunk of […]
March 24, 2022

What Are NFTs?

NFTs stands for non-fungible token(s). It’s a word that appears almost everywhere these days be it on Twitter or even in major publications such as the New York Times. But what exactly are they? To understand what an NFT is, we need to understand the concept of fungibility. Fungibility refers to the ability to exchange one token for another token of equal value. An excellent example of this is the exchange of currency. For example, one can trade a 100-shilling note for another 100-shilling note. Despite having a different currency from the initial one, it is still of the same value. The opposite is true for non-fungible tokens. Each token has a unique value based on its properties and cannot be exchanged directly for another token of equal value. NFTs and blockchain technology Most NFTs are a part of the […]
March 24, 2022

Setting up a Podcast Website

Podcasts have become increasingly popular today. Back in 2006, only 22 percent of the adult population in the United States was aware of podcasting. By 2021, this figure had risen to 78 percent. Podcasting is an increasingly popular pastime in the U.S., with an estimated 120 million podcast listeners in the country in 2021. Forecasts suggest that the number of podcast listeners will surpass 160 million in 2023 after increases of around 20 million each year. As a result, setting up a podcast website has become necessary to gain an edge in this market. During the COVID-19 lock-down, when people spent a lot of time indoors, listening to podcasts became a time-filling activity for many. Some even said that listening to a good podcast reminded them of talking with their friends. Creating an attractive and user-friendly website is a sure-fire […]
March 24, 2022


Malicious individuals can steal your personal information like bank and credit card details by emailing you. The victim receives an email appearing to be from a trusted company but which is actually from an imposter. We refer to such an email as a phishing email. According to CISCO’s 2021 Cybersecurity Threat Trends report, about 90% of data breaches occur due to phishing. Below, I will explain five common phishing email scams to avoid. Deceptive phishing email This is the most common kind of phishing email. It occurs when a fraudster attempts to impersonate a legitimate organization. They try to steal personal information or login credentials. To avoid this kind of attack, one should carefully inspect all URLs sent via email. These URLs may contain links to malicious websites spoofing legitimate websites. Also, look out for generic salutations, spelling, and grammatical […]