How to create email accounts email account creation

  1. Choose a hosting package below
  2. Select a Domain name for your business email e.g. (
  3. Search and Purchase and make your payment and you are good to go

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Why Choose a Email Account?

Localized Professionalism:

A email account not only adds a professional touch to your communication but also signifies your association with Kenya. This localized approach can build trust among clients and partners who appreciate businesses with a strong local presence.

Brand Credibility:

A custom email address that ends with enhances your brand’s credibility. It showcases a commitment to professionalism and attention to detail, distinguishing your business from generic, free email providers.

Data Security and Control:

Opting for a email account allows you to have better control over your business communications. Unlike generic email services, you can implement robust security measures and ensure compliance with local data protection regulations.

  1. Then login to Cpanel using your username and password. That will be sent to you upon purchase of hosting package and domain name

  2. After logging in you will be redirected to Cpanel homepage.

  3. Scroll down and click on Email Accounts

  4. Add an email account by filling in the form details

  5. Enter the first part of the email address; this is because an extension has already been provided.

  6. Enter the password then retype the password again. The password should contain letters, numbers and at least one symbol in order to be strong. Use of password generator is recommended but for easy remembrance you can type your own password

  7. The mailbox quota has been already filled but you can adjust the quota size when you or your clients have exhausted you email box space.

  8. Click on Create account.

  9. This is the end of the tutorial on how to create a email account. You now know how to create an email account in Cpanel