First of all, let me wish all of you a Happy New Year. The past two years have been very challenging as we adjusted to new ways of working and living. I sincerely wish you have sailed through the new year healthy and well-motivated to achieve your 2022 business goals. As you begin setting up your websites to leverage the internet, there are specific vital questions to ask your web developer. I will discuss five of the most critical.

How long will the web development process take?

This is one of the most critical questions to ask your web developer as it serves both the client and service provider. The web developer should analyze the scale of the job; the amount of text, images and features on the website determines the scale of the job. More pictures and text will require more time. Any additional features after the pre-agreed features will increase the price.

What is the mode of payment?

The mode of payment is another of the most critical questions to ask your web developer. Web development is very dynamic. Some websites require the entire work agreed upon before hosting begins. In contrast, you can host some websites with half or a quarter of the work done as you continually make adjustments. As a client, you should be clear on what you want before hosting the website. Payment can be when hosting the website, after the entire job, or when the client and service provider agree. There is no standard rule of payment.

Will I, as the client, update the site once it’s finished?

One of the questions to ask your web developer is whether, after hosting, you will be the one to update the website continually. The initial web development process may be too technical hence why you outsource a web developer. However, depending on the nature of the update, updating a website does not necessarily require an expert. The web developer will grant you admin rights and give you basic training on logging in and editing the web pages. I always recommend the do it yourself approach. It allows you to do it conveniently and saves on outsourcing the labour.

Where should the website be hosted?

Where you host your website is critical, and one should pay a lot of attention to this. The company designing your website also offers web hosting services in many instances. Those who rely on individual web developers and not companies ensure they offer advice on the basic requirements to host your website. Remember that complex websites with numerous features require ample storage space and bandwidth to run smoothly. This comes at a cost. Make sure you check out our web hosting packages and reach out to us for any web hosting queries.

Will the website be mobile-friendly?

Last but not least, always remember to enquire how mobile friendly is your website. Do this before the process begins and at the end.At the end of 2018, 5.1 billion people worldwide owned a mobile device subscription. It is estimated that by 2025 this number will grow to 5.8 billion. Therefore, most of your clients will likely be viewing your website from a mobile device.

Always remember, your website is an extension of your company. Therefore, many clients will learn about your company through your website.