Web traffic is the amount of data visitors send and receive to a website. Tracking web traffic is the act of monitoring and evaluating the visitor’s data on your website. It is critical in determining whether clients are interested in your products or services. With the growth of the internet, websites have become an essential facet for most companies. A company without a website has limited growth as there are only so many clients a company can attract physically. The internet offers exponential growth to forward-thinking companies that take advantage of it. Many clients often wonder about the most critical data to monitor on your websites. Below is a summary of the vital information when tracking web traffic.

Pages Per Visit

Many websites comprise several pages that contain different company information. First, the Home page summarises all the company’s products and services; after that are the specific landing pages that promote a particular product or service. Finally, the About page gives a brief history of the company and biographies of the administration and management team. When tracking web traffic, analyzing the pages per visit will enable you to determine most clients’ needs. When fewer pages are visited, there may be a communication problem on the Home page. The Home page isn’t getting clients interested in the company’s products and services.

Average Visit Duration

When tracking web traffic, analyzing the average visit duration gives insights into whether the website is attractive or detailed enough to get potential clients interested in the service. There is a reason why companies refer to potential clients as website visitors. Just like a visitor entering your home the first time, you intend to create the most conducive environment for the visitor to want to stay. A clean house with attractive wallpaper and fresh fragrance will make the visitor want to stay for hours and admire the beauty of your home. Furthermore, an engaging host will keep the visitor for longer, and the visitor will leave the premises with the intention of coming back for another fruitful conversation. Low average visit duration is a sign of a problem with the website.

Bounce Rate

This refers to those visitors who leave immediately after they enter the website. They do not access any other page aside from the home page.

Bounce rate (%) = Visits that access only a single page (#) ÷ Total visits (#) to the website.

Similarly to the pages per visit, the bounce rate is vital in determining the Home page’s effectiveness when tracking web traffic. There is a reason why the visitor accessed the website and didn’t visit any other page. High bounce rates can be good or bad, depending on the nature of your website. High bounce rates on single page blogs are typical.

Returning Visitors

This is almost self-explanatory. It is always essential for companies to know about their loyal clients. Returning visitors signify a client who is constantly and consistently interested in your product or service. Every visitor to a website generates a unique random number and a first timestamp, which combines to create their User ID, and allows companies to track site visitors. Increasing your returning visitor rate is a sign of a powerful brand. Powerful brands have loyal clients. To calculate the rate of returning visitors, divide the number of repeat visitors by the total number of unique visitors to your site in a specific time.

New Visitors

When tracking web traffic, the number of new visitors is an important metric that signifies a successful marketing campaign. Any marketing strategy aims to lead to brand awareness and eventually conversions. New visitors to your website increase the probability of conversions. Companies should review their marketing strategy when there are no new visitors to the website.

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