One can best understand auditing information systems by first understanding auditing from an accounting perspective. On hearing the term auditing, most of our minds quickly relate it to accounting, as it is where we often use the term. It is the process through which accountants review the company’s financial documents to ascertain that there is no embezzlement or other malicious financial activity taking place in the company. It is an extensive process in which auditors scrutinize every receipt, invoice, and other financial documents. Tracking every penny takes place, and any misplaced document leads to severe repercussions for the culprit. Through this, organizations ensure their operations are as efficient as possible and deal with any culprit per its regulations. Information system managers should also apply the same principle.

Auditing information systems and efficiency

Technology has become a critical element for modern-day organizations. Most, if not all, have some form of information system, whether simple or highly sophisticated. This system ensures the organization can accomplish specific tasks such as storing important data, tracking employee performance, internal and external communications, etc. All this ensure a company can operate efficiently and offer quality products and services. As in the case of financial auditing, auditing information systems ensures malicious individuals or activities are kept far away from the company.

In addition, I.T. auditing ensures that tracking and monitoring of systems can occur. Certain data is sensitive, and only specific people should have access to the data. Companies can analyze the log-in attempts and determine the user and their physical location. It also enables an organization to track employee activity for those with access and ensure no sensitive data is leaking to competitors. An audit also involves the company constantly ensuring its systems are free from malicious software—these range from malware that destroys certain information or espionage where competitors have access to the network systems. We’ve previously talked about how organizations can protect their websites.


Lastly, regular auditing of information systems enables an organization to constantly ensure their products and services are to the required standards and are compliant with current regulations and policies. Technology is rapidly evolving in the modern world. In the same breath, regulating policies are constantly changing to ensure the new technologies aren’t detrimental to the social fabric. Therefore, a company that seriously audits its information systems protects itself against severe losses in the future.

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