Types of WEB languages used
Why web developers should know how to use Node JS Web developers are people that are responsible for the creation and maintenance of websites. Professional web developers are accepted to be familiar with 3 programming languages. These are:1.HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)2.CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 3.JavaScript. These are the basics and are required if anyone wants to build a modern-looking website with basic functionality.
However, in order to take these websites to the next level, one needs to learn how to use Node JS. What is Node JS? Node JS is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Open source means that its source code is publicly available. Cross-platform means that node JS is not dependent on any particular operating system to function. It can work on Linux, Mac OS and windows.
A runtime environment allows one to execute JavaScript code. For example, if you wrote the code in a normal text editor such as MS word, it would not run. It would be a string of lines that does not function. However, with a runtime environment, the code can be run and executed. So why used Node JS, doesn’t the browser already contain a runtime environment? Otherwise, how would normal websites written in JavaScript function?
Node JS allows one to program both the front-end and back-end of a website without needing to learn a new programming language. Learning and mastering a new programming language is a difficult and time-consuming task. Being able to use one programming language for both front-end and back-end development, also makes the language more consistent across the entire platform. This makes it easier for front-end and back-end developers to communicate and coordinate and also for one to carry out full-stack development easily .

Moreover, Node Js comes with a code library that is known as the node package manager. This allows one to download code packages created by other developers and to use them for their own projects. Hence one doesn’t have to spend a lot of time completely writing all the code from scratch and more time can be spent optimizing other aspects of the website such as aesthetics.
The package manager comes with over 1.3 million different packages in the main registry leaving web developers spoiled for choice. Furthermore, this library is constantly being updated and upgraded by the active community of Node JS users. Also, Node JS comes with Native Support for Amazon Web Services, the most used hosting platform that supports about 32% of the cloud market. Node JS is also useful since it can be easily scaled up thus when traffic to your website drastically increases, your website will still be able to function properly. Being familiar with Node JS will give any web developer an advantage in today’s current digital market and will enable them to quickly develop websites due to its large code library.