Off-site data storage has become increasingly important to organizations. Organization data, its storage and analysis aren’t a new phenomenon. It has always been a critical element that determines decision-making in organizations across industries. What has changed is the methods of gathering, organizing, analyzing and storing this data. Organizations have realized that with the right volumes and quality of data, the better the decisions made to improve overall organizational performance. The increasing importance of data, whether external or internal, has led to increasing demand for storage capacity that managers can access remotely for constant analysis by decision-makers.

As a result, organizations have increased allocations of budgets towards improving their on-site and cloud storage facilities. On-site methods of storing data include hard drives, physical files, CDs, DVDs, internal servers etc. Therefore, it is essential to invest in the on-site backup of crucial files. It is easily accessible, and managers can easily access and secure the files. However, it presents new challenges to organizations.

Prevent losses from natural calamities by investing in off-site data storage.

Natural calamities such as floods, fires, and earthquakes can total data loss. As a counteractive measure, organizations increasingly spend on insurance premiums to lessen the financial implications of the calamities. This, however, doesn’t lead to data recovery. Aside from natural disasters, internal servers and storage methods such as files require increased physical space. As real estate prices are sky-rocketing, organizations diligently search for new ways to reduce material space costs and boost operations efficiency.

The pandemic has led to more companies implementing remote work-stations

The pandemic has presented a new reality to organizations. Employees can meet organizational goals while working remotely. This means data should be accessible remotely. Unlike on-site backup, it offers the option of remote accessibility with minimal costs. Companies store data on external servers that are secure and are easily accessible as long as there is an internet connection. Data managers can easily share this data if need be. In addition, it is less susceptible to cyber-attacks due to the significant investment increasingly being laid out in the big data industry.

According to the latest McKinsey Global Institute Estimates, big data has become a trillion-dollar industry. Cloud backup is scalable, which means that organizations can quickly increase their storage capacities depending on their volume of data. Having said all that, it is crucial for organizations also to maintain on-site data. Your IT solutions provider should ensure there is a proper balance of both. Our organization constantly strives to improve our clients’ operational efficiency as we provide solutions to improve their data management. You can find out more about our data storage packages here.

Want to gain more insight on data storage and digital solutions for your business. CONTACT US. We offer effective digital solutions to our clients that meet their needs and preferences. Don’t forget to check out all our products and services.